Been a long time but I’m back in town"
Yeah, i still can't believe it but it's been hugely 3 months. My life has dramatically changed in these 3 months. If i had stuck in place where i always belonged, I wouldn't have experienced the things which i don't appreciate that much right now but i'm sure i'll be so grateful by the end of the year :)
I've had so many amazing memories that would take my 15 days to write.. But today is one of the special days so i'll do whatever it takes :) It's been like 1 day since i came here, literally.. Let the journey begin ;)

Two hours later i already met the others, they were such an amazing people that we had so much fun together. I just had lots of friends from lots of countries in a short time. I wouldn't even think of getting that much multicultural friends!

21 hours ago, I got my sweet host family. We had our first lunch and started to get used to each other. Since then i've never felt myself as if i'm trying to adopt myself or push myself. It has just happened and now i totally feel myself as a part of the family :)

I still remember the first day we went to school to check how was it before it opened. It was a strange feeling that you would go to a new school whose education was totally different, the people in there were totally strange to you and mostly... a new environment which you had no idea. But i got used to it as well, now it's likely that i don't want to leave it :) Being in a strange place but with my fellow traveler helped me a lot, we learned things together; we shared everything to each other. Luckily Emre was there for me ;)
Then i had a rest, afterwards i just woke up and found myself in a lake with my sweet German friend Svenja! I had never swam in lake before that. It was kind of strange because some places were so deep and some were so shallow. But it was recorded as a memory too :)

Yeah around 16 hours ago, i was in Budapest. The gorgeous historical bridge, which i've been several times and i'm sure i'll be there for lots of times too. I love Budapest, it's an amazing city. I just wish we didn't have so many troubles to travel.

Then i went to Balaton Lake which is really famous in Hungary. Most of the German tourists visit here and it's such a beautiful holiday resort. And i was the first time in my life that i had ever seen an alive swan! They were so beautiful and so exquisite.

Yeah, i've been in Austria once too, you can find it in here! Vienna is really close to place where i live. It's even closer than Budapest! It takes me approximately 1.5 hours to get there or less :) I hope i can spend more than there :)

Picking up grape was another thing that i had never intended to do. Anyway it was a nice experience and i think i'll never do it again :D You can find my 'Szüret' Blog in here!

Then... Partying! It's the best way to celebrate after-suffering-school-weekdays. If you ever come Hungary, that means.. you'll drink a lot :D It was my first party and i had lots of fun! Actually, it's enough to be with friends. They will eventually cheer you up :)

About 5 hours ago we had an IDD (Intercultural Dialogue Day) in another city near to mine. We all prepared presentations about our countries and brought lots of special things. We just knew our cultures but not that deeply. We all got the chance to learn more about our cultures :)
I went to Budapest again.. It was annual Turkish Republic Day. I haven't seen my fellow travelers for 15 hours. I've missed them yaay! It was good to spend time altogether again :) check it out what we've done in here!

Oh, my love! Budapest at night! The most beautiful view that i've ever gotten so far. It's just amazing. When i'm there i feel like my heart is hanging in my stomach. I have a total stroke!

And just couple of hours ago the last thing i did was to give Free Hugs! It was a lot of fun to do because most people didn't initially hug us, we just jumped and hugged them :D So now the whole city knows us as 'Hugging Freaks' :P
So i just turned many pages in my novel but i have lots of pages to write :) I'll keep on writing them and when i look back at this time i'm sure that i'll have lots of things to remember by. If i can't turn the page i'll just lose it and throw it out but accept the loss. Life is short, live the way you like it :)
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