18 May 2011

Beginning Of A New Adventure

"Yaaaaay" was my first reaction when I saw that I was accepted. I had been waiting that mail for exactly 3 months!
And here is the mail arrived last week.

I'm so excited about orientation camps, new friends, new school, new environment and my host family.. I'm sure that it will be such a great experince that I won't ever forget. 

As to the AFS's official site, there will be orientation camp between 8-10 July in Turkey. I'm  looking forward to participating in different kinds of activities there.

However, host family informations still remain obscure. Nowadays, I come home with a hope of a mail from AFS but there's none! :( Wishing to knew those kinds of informations drives me crazy. Anyways, I think that I got to be patient :) Once I get the mail from AFS I'm going to write everyting down.